風の森 純米大吟釀 無濾過生原酒 露葉風 50 - The Rare Malt

風の森 Kaze no Mori Junmai Daiginjo Muroka Nama Genshu Tsuyuhakaze 50

Unique combination of Nara rice and super hard water

Tsuyuhakaze is only produced in Nara prefecture, which could not be polished to 50% remaining until very recently, this sake has intense fruity tastes of banana, melon and pineapple. The palate is so fizzy that the bottle cap might be shot out. This sake has the balanced tastes of sweetness, acidity and savouriness thanks to this sake specificrice. Brewed using super hard water, unpasteurised and undiluted, resulted in this strong yet elegant sake.

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Availability: Out Of Stock

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Origin: Japan
Region: Nara
Distillery / Producer: Yucho Shuzo Co., Ltd
ABV: 16.00%
Volume: 720ml
Meigara: Kaze no Mori
Sake Grade: Junmai Daiginjo
Sake Rice: Tsuyuhakaze
Seimai Buai: 50.00%
風の森 純米大吟釀 無濾過生原酒 露葉風 50 - The Rare Malt

風の森 Kaze no Mori Junmai Daiginjo Muroka Nama Genshu Tsuyuhakaze 50


風の森 Kaze no Mori Junmai Daiginjo Muroka Nama Genshu Tsuyuhakaze 50


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