岩 IWA 5 Assemblage 3 - The Rare Malt

岩 IWA 5 Assemblage 3

The top end blended sake by the former winemaker of Dom PérignonStrong yet pure floral aromas, with plum, pear aromas. It opens up after certain aeration, showing even more complexity at the end with white pepper. This sake is blended using 5 different sake having elements of Yamadanishiki, Omachi, Gohyakumangoku, Junmai Daiginjo, Daiginjo, unpasterised sake, kimoto, matured sake, etc. The complexity of the sake is beyong imagination. Because of its complexity, though this is a sparkling sake, they suggest drinking this using cold and hot temperatures. Its acidity and elegance is bosted during cold temperature; Its umami is more noticeable during warm or hot tempeatures.Pair this sake with salad or entree using fish.
Subtotal: $0.00
Availability: Out Of Stock

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Origin: Japan
Region: Toyama
Distillery / Producer: Shiraiwa K.K.
ABV: 15.00%
Volume: 720ml
Meigara: IWA
岩 IWA 5 Assemblage 3 - The Rare Malt

岩 IWA 5 Assemblage 3


岩 IWA 5 Assemblage 3


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